I was born in Red Bank, NJ, on June 25, 1998 and lived in Aberdeen, NJ until 2005, at which point I moved to Manalapan, NJ where I've resided ever since. I attended Manalapan High School from 2012 to 2016 and the Mason Gross School of Art & Design at Rutgers University from 2016 to 2020.
I started taking classes in high school that dealt with the Adobe Suite, Web Design, and Video Editing, and over the summers I worked as an intern making fliers and certificates for my town's municipal building. All of this led me to pursue digital art in college. At Mason Gross I majored in Visual Art with a concentration in Design, graduating in May 2020. Since then I have worked as a freelance/contract graphic designer on several different professional projects before becoming a full-time social media content developer.